Family Recipes
Strasen family recipes have roots in southern India where the Strasen siblings were born many of these recipes cross borders on a culinary journey.
Strasen family recipes have roots in southern India where the Strasen siblings were born many of these recipes cross borders on a culinary journey.
Bernhard Theodore Strasen was a Lutheran pastor’s son, born November 3, 1898, in Janesville, Minnesota, a community in south central Minnesota, where his father Henry served Trinity Lutheran Church. He was the middle child of five, the only boy. As he wanted to be a pastor, following in the steps of his father and grandfather,…
byLuther G. Strasen In January of 2003, I found a “Cultural Country Club Strasen” on the Internet. It appears to be a resort. It has an address that includes Mecklenburg-Schwerin, the area of Germany where my great-grandfather Carl Strasen was born. I used the club’s e-mail address and inquired whether there were any of Carl’s…
From My Mango Tree by Luther G. Strasen (Updated in 2006) The Auto-biography of Luther George Strasen <>< <>< <>< Chapter Six – Fruit I’ll bring these remembrances to a close by updating our children’s goings and comings after they left our home, and then adding some spiritual basics that are foundational realities for me….
From My Mango Tree by Luther G. Strasen (Updated in 2006) The Auto-biography of Luther George Strasen <>< <>< <>< Chapter Five – Branches In preparation for our marriage, Arlene rented an upstairs apartment at 201 Woodland Street, into which I moved upon arriving back in Fort Wayne. It had a mutual front door with…
From My Mango Tree by Luther G. Strasen (Updated in 2006) The Auto-biography of Luther George Strasen <>< <>< <>< Chapter Four – The Tree Concordia, Fort Wayne, was chosen for Dave and me because of its proximity to the rest of the siblings. Polly had started her first year of teaching at the Detroit…
From My Mango Tree by Luther G. Strasen (Updated in 2006) The Auto-biography of Luther George Strasen <>< <>< <>< Chapter Three – The Sapling Until each of us was six years old, we lived in “the plains.” For us that was Nagercoil, and for the rest of the missionary children it was wherever their…
From My Mango Tree by Luther G. Strasen (Updated in 2006) The Auto-biography of Luther George Strasen <>< <>< <>< Chapter Two – The Sprout When my Dad’s furlough in the United States ended, our family, except for Polly and Ruth, went back to India during the summer of 1939. Europe was erupting with hostilities…
From My Mango Tree by Luther G. Strasen (Updated in 2006) The Auto-biography of Luther George Strasen <>< <>< <>< Chapter One – Roots July, 2001 – in the first year of the twenty-first century. As I then started this reminiscing and history, the twentieth century had ended just six months prior, even though there…