California Lilac Dark Star

California Lilac

This magnificent evergreen shrub Ceanothus ‘Dark Star,’ commonly known as California Lilac was planted in 2012. I love the stunning royal blue flowers and bees seem to enjoy them as well. This variety offers a splash of vivid color to your garden in the late spring and early summer and the flowers have little golden…

Front Yard Ground Cover around flagstone

Ground Cover

Our ground cover is getting better each year. We use a combination of Thyme, Moss, Sedum, and Corsican Mint. I love low-growing ground cover plants the biggest reason is that I don’t need to mow. When used correctly, they may significantly improve the appearance of a front yard. Use ground covers to cover up trouble…

Front Yard 2011

Removing the Grass

We just finished moving into this 1901 house in Seattle. One of the first things that we started working on was taking out the front lawn. I really do not like to mow. It was a lot of work to dig up all the grass in the front. Some of our neighbors thought that it…